
Iranian people about last dilemma

Il mondo di annibale
Inserito da redazione il 23/05/2013 alle 19:00 nella sezione Accade a Tehran

The unprecedented rejection of the presidential candidacy of Rafsanjani impose a boycott of the vote. But if this fails too desperate option?

Ali Izadi

The Guardian Council has taken a decision addressed to weigh a ton on the further
future of the country: Rafsanjani can not be a candidate for the Presidency of the Republic. The old Rafsanjani had thought about it long before officially announcing his decision to nominate wanting to compete to succeed Ahmadinejad. And his decision to launch the challenge and show up at the judgment of the people had recreated enthusiasm. They were already many people estimate that at least 70% of the electorate took part in the elections, and 60% would say yes to the old conservative reformist become cautious. Also because his complaint convince the Iranians: the slogan “election” of Rafsanjani, “You took us in a bind,” convinced that corresponds with the reading of the national dramatic moment of the vast majority of Iranians.

And so the Guardian Council, which Rafsanjani has long presided over, he decided that he,
Ayatollah most famous in the world, can not stand. Why? Too old.

Forget the hilarity that can create a statement of reasons in a country where power is in the hands of Khamenei, and not young age of the spiritual leader of the Islamic Revolution is known to all. The fact is tragically relevant, goes beyond the scope of the possible ironies.

Rafsanjani indeed decided not to react with silence, but talking about. And in so doing goes beyond the title of his “election slogan.” He says that to run for the Presidency of the Republic is not a choice that you can make lightly. Who wants to drive that has a debt of 500 thousand billion tuman, our poor coin, with banks and large companies: who will ripianarlo? In lots of Rafsanjani there are many bitter truth for the Iranian economy: for example, that the Chinese buy our oil, but do not pay more in juan, nor in exchange / commodities of interest to us, but in exchange / commodities of interest to them! The same goes for India, which are not enough contracts below cost. What will happen of our independence as Israel and the United States have finished to await the outcome of our presidential?

The question that the Iranians are asking at this time is very spemplice. What should we do? The idea is that we need a combat electoral, political and cultural, that is not going to vote for the plan does not become an instrument of national-suicide Khamenei. But if they were able to force the polls more than 30% of voters, the plan succeed?

Il mondo di annibale
Inserito da redazione il 23/05/2013 alle 19:00 nella sezione Accade a Tehran

The unprecedented rejection of the presidential candidacy of Rafsanjani impose a boycott of the vote. But if this fails too desperate option?

Ali Izadi

The Guardian Council has taken a decision addressed to weigh a ton on the further
future of the country: Rafsanjani can not be a candidate for the Presidency of the Republic. The old Rafsanjani had thought about it long before officially announcing his decision to nominate wanting to compete to succeed Ahmadinejad. And his decision to launch the challenge and show up at the judgment of the people had recreated enthusiasm. They were already many people estimate that at least 70% of the electorate took part in the elections, and 60% would say yes to the old conservative reformist become cautious. Also because his complaint convince the Iranians: the slogan “election” of Rafsanjani, “You took us in a bind,” convinced that corresponds with the reading of the national dramatic moment of the vast majority of Iranians.

And so the Guardian Council, which Rafsanjani has long presided over, he decided that he,
Ayatollah most famous in the world, can not stand. Why? Too old.

Forget the hilarity that can create a statement of reasons in a country where power is in the hands of Khamenei, and not young age of the spiritual leader of the Islamic Revolution is known to all. The fact is tragically relevant, goes beyond the scope of the possible ironies.

Rafsanjani indeed decided not to react with silence, but talking about. And in so doing goes beyond the title of his “election slogan.” He says that to run for the Presidency of the Republic is not a choice that you can make lightly. Who wants to drive that has a debt of 500 thousand billion tuman, our poor coin, with banks and large companies: who will ripianarlo? In lots of Rafsanjani there are many bitter truth for the Iranian economy: for example, that the Chinese buy our oil, but do not pay more in juan, nor in exchange / commodities of interest to us, but in exchange / commodities of interest to them! The same goes for India, which are not enough contracts below cost. What will happen of our independence as Israel and the United States have finished to await the outcome of our presidential?

The question that the Iranians are asking at this time is very spemplice. What should we do? The idea is that we need a combat electoral, political and cultural, that is not going to vote for the plan does not become an instrument of national-suicide Khamenei. But if they were able to force the polls more than 30% of voters, the plan succeed?

Il mondo di annibale
Inserito da redazione il 23/05/2013 alle 19:00 nella sezione Accade a Tehran

L’inaudita bocciatura della candidatura alle presidenziali di Rafsanjani impone il boicottaggio del voto. Ma se fallisse anche questa disperata opzione?

di Ali Izadi

Il Consiglio dei Guardiani ha preso una decisione destinata a pesare come un ulteriore macigno sul
futuro del Paese: Rafsanjani non può essere candidato alla Presidenza della Repubblica. Il vecchio Rafsanjani ci aveva pensato a lungo prima di annunciare ufficialmente la sua decisione di volersi candidare per competere alla successione di Ahmadinejad. E la sua decisione di lanciare la sfida e presentarsi al giudizio del popolo aveva ricreato entusiasmo. Erano già in molti a stimare che almeno il 70% degli elettori avrebbe partecipato alle elezioni, e il 60% avrebbe detto di sì al vecchio conservatore diventato cauto riformista. Anche perché la sua denuncia convinceva gli iraniani: lo slogan “elettorale” di Rafsanjani, “ci avete portato in un vicolo cieco”, convinceva, corrispondendo alla lettura della drammatico momento nazionale della stragrande maggioranza degli iraniani.

E così il Consiglio dei Guardiani, che Rafsanjani ha a lungo presieduto, ha deciso che lui,
l’ayatollah più famoso nel mondo, non può candidarsi. Perché? Troppo anziano.

Lasciamo perdere le ilarità che può creare una motivazione del genere in un paese dove il potere è nelle mani di Khamenei, e la non giovane età della guida spirituale della rivoluzione islamica è a tutti nota. Il fatto è tragicamente rilevante, va al di là della portata delle possibili ironie.

Rafsanjani infatti ha deciso di non reagire con il silenzio, ma parlando. E così facendo va al di là del titolo del suo “slogan elettorale”. Dice che candidarsi alla Presidenza della Repubblica non è una scelta che si può fare a cuor leggero. Chi vuole guidare che ha un debito di 500mila miliardi di tuman, la nostra povera moneta, con banche e grande aziende: chi potrà ripianarlo? Nel sacco di Rafsanjani ci sono molte verità amarissime per l’economia iraniana: per esempio che i cinesi acquistano il nostro petrolio, ma non pagano più in juan, nè in cambio/merci di nostro interesse, ma in cambio/merci di loro interesse! Lo stesso vale per l’India, alla quale non bastano più i contratti sotto costo. Cosa accadrà della nostra indipendenza quando Israele e Stati Uniti avranno finito di aspettare l’esito delle nostre presidenziali?

La domanda che gli iraniani si pongono in queste ore è molto spemplice. Cosa dobbiamo fare? L’idea è che occorra un combattimento elettorale, politico e culturale, cioè non andare a votare per non farsi strumenti del piano nazional-suicida di Khamenei. Ma se loro riuscissero a costringere alle urne più del 30% degli elettori, il piano riuscirebbe?